What an honor it is to be able to lead a child to the Lord and see Him transform their lives! We should be ready to help kids respond to Him and make life-changing commitments whenever the opportunity is given. Many people are saved as kids, which makes them one of the biggest mission fields in existence! They are building their foundation for the rest of their lives (and eternities), and we want to help them grow strong roots and become strong in their faith. Kids are naturally curious and formidable. Kids may not understand EVERYTHING about salvation... but I believe adults don't understand everything about salvation either. That doesn't stop us from believing. I know I didn't understand everything about salvation when I was saved at age 17. Kids can have a true grasp of what it means to be forgiven and to have a relationship with Jesus. We know from the Bible that Jesus loves children, and He wants us to bring the children to Him. That is what this is all about- being prepared to bring kids to Jesus. That's what children's ministry is all about. Here are some tips for leading a child to Christ. Included at the bottom are some resources you can download and use in your ministry. We don't do "altar calls" too often, because kids can feel a lot of pressure or not truly understand. It's more likely that kids will make commitments in their small group setting, with a leader who has been mentoring and investing in their lives, and can answer their questions and have a real conversation with them. Altar calls can be a great way to inspire kids to make a commitment for God. We encourage parents to be the ones to have faith-conversations with their kids and pray with them to accept the Lord. Three Steps for Children's Ministry Leaders 1. Empower Small Group Leaders to have faith conversations with kids. 2. Fill out a Commitment Card. 3. Celebrate and connect with parents. Provide resources for growth. Tips for Small Group Leaders and Kidmin Leaders Important things to remember…. 1. Don’t do all the talking. Ask questions; let the child talk. Let the child ask questions, and help him/her look up the answers in the Bible. 2. Don’t use big or confusing words. Instead of the phrase ‘Ask Jesus into your heart,’ which is too abstract for kids to understand, use the phrase ‘Ask Jesus to be your very best friend.’ Avoid big words. 3. Say It. Ask the child to communicate what he/she is doing, to make sure they understand. Ask if he/she has any questions. 4. ABCs. Go through the ABCs with the child, and use a Bible to help the child look up the Scripture verses. 5. Pray. After going through the ABCs, pray with the child. Ask if he/she wants to pray too. 6. Celebrate! Tell the Children’s Pastor, who will follow up with the child’s parents. Fill out a Commitment Card (1 for the child, and one for the church to keep). We will follow up with Next Steps for discipleship for the child. A- ADMIT you are a sinner & ASK for forgiveness!
B- BELIEVE in Jesus as your Savior & BECOME a child of God
C- CONFESS that Jesus is Lord & CHOOSE to follow Him daily!
FREE RESOURCES Click below to download
Question - do you remember when you gave your life to the Lord? Who prayed with you and inspired you? Mine was my youth pastor and his wife, at age 17. They eternally impacted my life, and I am forever grateful for them and their investment in me and bringing me to the Lord. -Lynne
8/30/2019 10:30:01 pm
Children are really amazing, they are the ones who will change the world. In my opinion, children are the most important beings that we have on Earth. Sure, they will all eventually become adults, but it is their ideals that will change the world. I was a kid once, and it was my dream to help others. I grew up to become a millionaire and now, I use my money to help the poor, that is the power of children.
11/16/2022 12:51:10 pm
I loved that you mentioned that it's important to let kids speak when it comes to Bible study. It would be really nice to find a church camp for my kids so they can grow closer to God. I went to one when I was young, and it totally changed my life.
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Children are a Gift Lynne Howardkidmin leader, mother, and servant of the Lord. These are the views of Lynne Howard, and are not necessarily the views and opinions of David C Cook or any church. Archives
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